Hello again. It's Friday and we're delighted that you've joined us for
another "anything goes" challenge this week. If you're new to the
challenge-welcome. If you want to know the requirements for entering our
challenge, the list of rules are on the sidebar.
There were so many amazing
entries last week, but we can only have one winner. Drum roll, please...
Greetings and Happy Friday! Woo-hoo!! Lots of lovely creations entered
last week. It's amazing how much talent is out there in blogland. We had so much fun see everyone through the blog hop...we hope you enjoyed it as well! Let's find out who won some prizes!
Back a few months ago, when Jenn was counting up the challenges to get
sponsors and information lined up, she had a very foggy post-pregnancy
brain. She counted up what she thought would have been the 100th post
and it landed on today. She, along with Trish-who was also recovering
from a post-pregnancy brain, planned a big online party for the
challenge blog. However, it was noticed that it is not quite the 100th
post, but the 97th post. But, hey!!! We like to do things different
around here and we're going to celebrate anyways!
Each DT member has graciously offered up some blog candy in celebration
of our big milestone and if you follow along the blog hop and the
instructions you may earn some extra goodies this week. There will be a
prize offered here like normal and an extra random prize for a commenter
under this blog. WOW! Lots of fun stuff.
We want to thank all of you for being a huge part of this blog and for
showing your support weekly. Our awesome DT members are busy, but they
are faithful in sharing their creations with all you card crafters. We
love that you stop by and share yours, as well!!
So, without further ado...
Let's find out who the winner was from last week...
Let's see what the DT has been up to!!! Don't forget to follow the order for the blog hop, let each DT know that you have been to their blog for an additional chance to win blog candy as well as the prizes we will be offering here!
Hello again. It's Friday and we're delighted that you've joined us for
another "anything goes" challenge this week. If you're new to the
challenge-welcome. If you want to know the requirements for entering our
challenge, the list of rules are on the sidebar.
There were so many amazing
entries last week, but we can only have one winner. Drum roll, please...